Pre WOD:

Level 2+3:
A, Test: Max Rep Strict Handstand Push Ups

B, E2MOM for 6 min:
30% of Max Rep Strict HSPU

Level 1:
A, Build up to 3 RM Strict HSPU (plates under head)

B, 3 set*10 Strict Press 65% of 1 RM


2 Rounds:
5 min Amrap:
10 Double Dumbbell Deadlift 2*22.5/15 kg
10 meter Double Dumbbell Farmers Carry Lunges 2*22.5/15 kg
5 meter Handstand Walk

Rest 2 min between amraps

5 min Amrap:
12/9 Cal Row
10 Burpee Over Rower

Rest 2 min between amraps

Post WOD:

Zone 1-2 Optional Add On Workout:
40-60 min Zone 1-2 Run

Keep the pace at zone 1-2 intensity

Adjust run to optional Erg if thats more needed for you